Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Earth Day-v

Everybody knows that Memorial Day here in the US is the unofficial start of Summer. For subtropical South Florida es also the beginning of Hurricane Season, those dreaded six months of being constantly on the lookout, of wondering whether this one tropical disturbance being born faraway off the Western shores of Africa will turn out to be the punishing storm that will make your life miserable — not talking here of the actual landing of the storm, but the torture of listening to the weather reports for hours on end.
Just before the rains come, we are all treated to one of the most beautiful sights: the flowering of the royal poincianas (also called flamboyant) trees. For at least a few weeks, before the bloom fades and the rains and the wind slowly manage to cover the ground with a red carpet, the "tree of fire" (as it is also known) brightens the landscape.

1 comment:

  1. Preciosas imágenes. Si no me equivoco ese arbol se llama Flamboyant, por lo menos así le llaman en Venezuela.
